srijeda, 01.02.2012.


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Cheapest Appliances Online

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  • A device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, typically a domestic one

  • An apparatus fitted by a surgeon or a dentist for corrective or therapeutic purpose

  • The action or process of bringing something into operation

  • (appliance) a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

  • (appliance) durable goods for home or office use

  • (appliance) The act of applying; application; An implement, an instrument or apparatus designed (or at least used) as a means to a specific end (often specified); Specifically: A non-manual apparatus or device, powered electrically or by another small motor, used in homes to perform domestic

  • (cheapness) bargain rate: a price below the standard price

  • (cheapness) tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar

  • (of an item for sale) Low in price; worth more than its cost

  • Charging low prices

  • (of prices or other charges) Low

  • (cheaper) bíligari? ( buhy-lee-ar-ee? )

  • Controlled by or connected to another computer or to a network

  • on-line: on a regular route of a railroad or bus or airline system; "on-line industries"

  • on-line(a): being in progress now; "on-line editorial projects"

  • Connected to the Internet or World Wide Web

  • on-line: connected to a computer network or accessible by computer; "an on-line database"

Discarded ideas 02.04.2008

Discarded ideas 02.04.2008

My son Leo (4 years old) decided to go through my idea-box and do some hardhanded editing!

Here are some of the ideas he "didn't like":

1. A 100-mile gallery, inspired by the 100 mile diet, to only display works from artists living with a 100 mile radius. I thought it was a great idea, but Leo does not agree. I also like the idea of the 100 mile suit, as a consept for a local clothing store. Perhaps one could put all three together?

2. Falu-korv shaped like the Batman symbol. I was sure this would be an instant hit with the kids!

3. A magnetic dinner plate for children. By placing a powerful magnet underneath the table it is harder for a child to up-end it, or even move it. If you have children you know why this would be a great idea!

4. Thing library. A very old idea of mine, that has been implemented in many libraries all over the world, but I still want to create a local one. I had a webbased personal thing library for a while, it is still online, but not really updated.

5. An antology of poetry, short stories and images with an "Outdoors" theme. You know, nature. Working title Outside.

6. A website for giving yourself carbon credits and a better environmenta conscience. There are plenty of carbon calculators out there, but they all seem to focus on how much you suck. I want to create one that shows how good you are. Actions that gives you free carbon credits are borrowing things from friends or libraries, recycling, not buying something new when you could or wanted to, buying something used instead of new, buying something green instead of not, buying something local instead of imported, doing nothing at all, using energy saving appliances instead, etc. You could still buy carbon credits if you absolutely wanted to, but is is far better if you give them to yourself as a reward for being green. Perhaps you could even sell them, or simply give them to a friend who has to travel somewhere.

7. A permanent flea market in my area. There are a few overpriced second hand stores in my city, and a few one-day flea markets, but there should be something more permanent, like in Amsterdam, New York or London, a big thriving mess of a market where people could sell or swap their stuff.

8. A cute sketch for a "family crest". Forest + Beach

9. A way to make a "Hotweels track" for my kids using recycled tracks. My kids love playing with them, but they are super expensive and not environmentally friendly, but if there was a locally prodused and cheaper alternative created with recycled materials I would buy 50 meters and let the kids go wild. No reason why it is should be so expensive, its just plastic!

10. Hiring myself out to people who need to develop new ideas.

148 - 122509

148 - 122509

Day 148 of 365

Xmas day and I finally get a break. I spent most of the day home relaxing playing some game, watching some movie, setting up the receiver, browsing for deals. I just found out that my Employee discount is useless when it comes to Boxing day. You can find most stuff cheaper than my employee discount. One thing I learned not to do is stop checking for price after you bought something. It just makes you paranoid. Apparently the receiver I got went on sale in Bestbuy. It's actually 80 bucks cheaper than me using my employee discount. But it got sold out by the time I found out. Totally sucks!

Andy's mom did some cooking for the night. It was a little gathering thing and also a little chill time during all the crazy holiday work hours. So I though yea I should take my camera along. I ended up with no picture at all coz I was being dumb. I forgot my memory card at home. I though of getting a back up before but though I will probably never forget the CF card coz it was big. Guess what I just did. So I got a backup right after after I get home. I have been eyeing Lexar CF card selling for 180 on Future Shop, with a little employee discount magic I got it for 90 bucks. That damn card better not go on sale anytime soon or I'll flip!

I left early that night coz I had to work very early tomorrow. Boxing day! I drove by Future Shop at around 12AM to see if there's actually people lining up. Guess what there is. Crazy ass people lining up at 12AM in the frekkin rain to save $100 that's just stupid ... I give you that $100. Well I guess it makes more sense if a dude is getting say a TV, a computer, some appliances, bla bla bla. You get to save a coupla hundreds. But will I want to line up at 12AM to get the saving? Probably not. I can get $100 a day just sitting @ work surfing on Facebook. So the whole Boxing day thing is just dumb. Yes you are getting amazing deals but the products are usually crap. Hence why I prefer to stay home on Boxing Day. Shopping online is much easier!

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